Project background

Digital access opens opportunities for further learning. Adult education institutions and adult educators are in need to improve their digital skills and gather new ideas for teaching and learning approaches in order to offer new learning opportunities for adult learners and engage them in online learning.

Learner-centered pedagogies

The project does allocate time to assisting adult educators with their digital skills primarily regarding elevating the integration of technology in the classroom to the use of digital skills in the Blended Learning sphere in order to produce better engagement results. Perhaps most importantly however, what makes this project unique is the fact that it delves deep into the wholesome and multifaceted mindset hidden within the art and science of transmission of knowledge and teaching. It does so by acknowledging learner-centred pedagogies and showing how the implementation of analogous methods and techniques has the incredible potential when utilised correctly, to make the learning experience relatable, motivating, inclusive and effective for learners of various backgrounds and learning styles.

Blended learning

As such this project will place its focus on providing its audience with tools on how to teach in our era that faces specific challenges and opportunities. One of the main opportunities our educators have at their disposal, is the Blended Learning method. High quality Blended Learning is the method that respects and brings together the effective traditional classroom techniques with online learning while always having the learner at its epicenter in manner where the educators and learners produce their best teamwork.

Adult educators

During the project adult educators will explore new approaches to teaching and learning, specifically in terms of the blended learning method. Furthermore, adult educators will have the opportunity to learn how to tailor the Blended Learning method’s models to suit the needs of their learners and classrooms and as such implement their own combination of models to reach their unique educational goals. Educators will evolve from technicians who implement the ideas and procedures of the curriculum to educators as designers of innovative learning environments and as experts in the art and science of teaching.

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