“Blended learning in adult education” training in Cyprus

Course participants

8 people working in the educational context from Slovenia, Italy, Poland, and Cyprus participated in a training course “Blended learning in Adult Education”  as a part of the Erasmus+ KA2 project “Flip Edu Up”. The training course took place in June, in Limassol, Cyprus and was organized by project partner – DOREA Educational Institute.

During the course,  participants extended their knowledge in Blended Learning in Adult Education, improved their digital competencies, discussed the available and most affordable educational technology for educators, and exchanged experiences in the educational context. Moreover, the trainer facilitated them with the tools and strategies to create appealing blended courses, videos, and presentations.

“During this week of training, I was able to increase my knowledge and my practical skills about blended learning. I really appreciated the fact that we had the opportunity to use what we learnt the first days and put it into practice. It was a very engaging experience” Alice, course participant

“We have to thank the trainer for such a helpful and motivating training course and to the participants for being so active and sharing their new knowledge with their future students. We have also to thank European Union (and project organisations) for making this course possible” Mercedes, course participant




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